
In January 2017, I heard the news that University of Southampton was to migrate their publication repository away from eprints. Upon hearing the news, I got all nostalgic and decided to collect my academic publications on my own website, before they disappeared from the internet. The papers were a decade old. I doubt they would be of interest to the academic community. However, I’d like to keep them here as a memory, for myself.

Publications from my time as a postdoc at the University of Southampton should be complete. I uploaded everything onto eprints. The list of papers was captured from eprints in February 2017. Publications from my PhD years at the University of Auckland was found from google searches.

PhD Thesis

  1. Sylvia C Wong (2006) Qualitative Topological Coverage of Unknown Environments by Mobile Robots. The University of Auckland, New Zealand, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Doctoral Thesis. abstract + pdf

Journal Publications

  1. Sylvia C. Wong , Richard M. Crowder, Gary B. Wills and Nigel R. Shadbolt (2008) Knowledge transfer: from maintenance to engine design. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (Transactions of the ASME), 8, (1) journal link pdf (accepted manuscript)
  2. Simon Miles, Sylvia C Wong, Weijian Feng, Paul Groth, Klaus-Peter Zauner and Luc Moreau (2007) Provenance-based validation of e-science experiments. Journal of Web Semantics, 5, (1), 28-38. journal link pdf
  3. Sylvia C Wong, Victor Tan, Weijian Fang, Simon Miles and Luc Moreau (2005) Cluster Computing and Grid 2005 Works in Progress: Grimoires: A Grid Registry with a Metadata-Oriented Interface. IEEE Distributed Systems Online, 6, (10)

Conference Publications

  1. Richard M Crowder, Max L. Wilson, David Fowler, Nigel Shadbolt, Sylvia Wong (2009) Navigation Over a Large Ontology for Industrial Web Applications. Winner of Best Paper Award at International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. United States. 30 Aug – 02 Sep 2009. pdf
  2. Richard M. Crowder, Sylvia Wong, Nigel Shadbolt, Gary Wills (2008) Knowledge-Based Repository to Support Engineering Design Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering. 03 – 06 Aug 2008
  3. Sylvia C Wong, Richard M Crowder, Gary B Wills and Nigel R Shadbolt (2007) Lesson Learnt from a Large-Scale Industrial Semantic Web Application. 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, United Kingdom. 10 – 12 Sep 2007. pdf
  4. Gary B Wills, Noura Abbas, Rakhi Chandrasekharan, Richard M Crowder, Lester Gilbert, Yvonne Howard, David E Millard, Sylvia C Wong and Robert J Walters (2007) An Agile Hypertext Design Methodology 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia United Kingdom. 10 – 12 Sep 2007. pdf
  5. Pooja Jadhav, Sylvia C Wong, Gary B Wills, Richard M Crowder, Nigel R Shadbolt (2007) Data Mining to Support Engineering Design Decision Workshop on Semantic Web and Web 2.0 in Architectural, Product and Engineering Design pdf
  6. Sylvia C Wong, Richard M Crowder, Gary B Wills and and Nigel R Shadbolt (2007) Informing Preliminary Design by Incorporating Service Knowledge. 16th International Conference on Engineering Design. 28 – 31 Aug 2007. pdf
  7. Sylvia C Wong, Richard M Crowder, Nigel R Shadbolt and Gary B Wills (2006) Knowledge Management for a Large Service-Oriented Corporation. Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM) Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM), Austria. 30 Nov – 01 Dec 2006. pp. 326-337. proceedings link pdf
  8. Sylvia C Wong, Richard M Crowder, Gary B Wills and and Nigel R Shadbolt (2006) Knowledge Engineering – From Front-line Support to Preliminary Design. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng), Netherlands. 10 – 13 Oct 2006. pp. 44-52. pdf
  9. Sylvia C Wong, Richard M Crowder and Gary B Wills (2006) On a Service-Oriented Approach for an Engineering Knowledge Desktop 15th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2006) United Kingdom. 23 – 26 May 2006. pdf
  10. Sylvia C Wong, Simon Miles, Weijian Fang, Paul Groth, and Luc Moreau (2005) Provenance-based validation of E-science experiments. 4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC). 06 – 10 Nov 2005. pp. 801-815. pdf
  11. Sylvia C Wong, Simon Miles, Weijian Fang, Paul Groth and Luc Moreau (2005) Validation of E-Science Experiments using a Provenance-based Approach. 4th UK e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM). 19 – 22 Sep 2005. pdf
  12. Weijian Fang, Sylvia C Wong, Victor Tan, Simon Miles and Luc Moreau (2005) Performance analysis of a semantics enabled service registry 4th UK e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM). 19 – 22 Sep 2005. pdf
  13. Victor Tan, Weijian Fang, Sylvia C Wong, Simon Miles and Luc Moreau (2005) A security architecture for a semantic Grid registry. 4th UK e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM) 19 – 22 Sep 2005 pdf
  14. Michael O Jewell, Lee Middleton, Mark S Nixon, Adam Prügel-Bennett, Sylvia C Wong (2005) A Distributed Approach to Musical Composition 9th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES). Australia. 14 – 16 Sep 2005. pp. 642-648. pdf
  15. Lee Middleton, Sylvia C Wong, Michael O Jewell, John N Carter and Mark S Nixon (2005) Lightweight Agent Framework for Camera Array Applications. 9th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES), Australia. 14 – 16 Sep 2005. pp. 150-156. pdf
  16. Paul Groth, Simon Miles, Weijan Fang, Sylvia C Wong, Klaus-Peter Zauner, Luc Moreau (2005) Recording and using provenance in a protein compressibility experiment The 14th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-14). 24 – 27 Jul 2005. pdf
  17. Sylvia C Wong, Victor Tan, Weijian Fang, Simon Miles and Luc Moreau (2005) Grimoires: Grid Registry with Metadata Oriented Interface: Robustness, Efficiency, Security — Work-in-Progress. Work in Progress Session held in Cluster Computing and Grid (CCGrid), United Kingdom. 09 – 12 May 2005. pdf
  18. Lee Middleton, Sylvia C Wong, Michael O Jewell, John N Carter and Mark S Nixon (2005) A middleware for a large array of cameras IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) pp. 3682-3687 pdf
  19. Sylvia C. Wong and Bruce A. MacDonald (2004). Complete coverage by mobile robots using slice decomposition based on natural landmarks. In Proceedings PRICAI 2004: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 3157/2004 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 683–692, Auckland, New Zealand, August 2004. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg. proceedings link pdf
  20. Sylvia C. Wong and Bruce A. MacDonald (2003). A topological coverage algorithm for mobile robots. In Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), volume 4, pages 1685–1689, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2003. proceedings link pdf
  21. Sylvia C. Wong, Lee Middleton, and Bruce A. MacDonald (2003). Creating composite images for estimating the effectiveness of mobile robot coverage algorithms. In Proceedings Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA), Brisbane, Australia, 2003. pdf
  22. Sylvia C. Wong, Lee Middleton, and Bruce A. MacDonald (2002). Performance metrics for robot coverage tasks. In Proceedings Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA), pages 7–12, Auckland, New Zealand, 2002. pdf
  23. Sylvia Wong, George Coghill, and Bruce MacDonald (2000). Landmark-based world model for autonomous vacuuming robots. In Proceedings International ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and Applications (ISA), Wollongong, Australia, 2000.
  24. Sylvia Wong, George Coghill, and Bruce A. MacDonald (2000). Natural landmark recognition using neural networks for autonomous vacuuming robots. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Singapore, 2000. pdf