Using awaitility for asynchronous operations in Java integration tests

Often in integration tests, we would like to check the outcome of asynchronous operations. For example, a test to check the automation read a spreadsheet attachement in an email and update the order status correctly. In legacy systems, there are two common reasons for integration with external systems to fail. A library security upgrade could bring in a newer version of the library at compile time, leading to runtime exceptions. (The infamous NoClassFoundException in Java). A system upgrade of the external system can also change the interface and break the integration.

To test the execution of aysnchronous operations, we need the ability to poll at regular intervals, and time out after waiting for long enough. This can be easily achieved with the awaitility library.

To include the library in your tests, add the following in pom.xml


You can then poll for the expected test result like this

with().pollInterval(RESULT_POLL_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
  .and().with().pollDelay(RESULT_POLL_DELAY, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
  .atMost(RESULT_WAIT, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
  .until(new YourCallable(orderId, jdbcTemplate));

The code starts polling after RESULT_POLL_DELAY minutes, at an interval of RESULT_POLL_INTERVAL minutes. It will try for at most RESULT_WAIT minutes before declaring a failure. The function YourCallable(a, b) is used to determine if the test condition is met.

public class YourCallable implements Callable<Boolean> {	
  private final int orderId;
  private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
  public YourCallable(final int orderId, final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
    this.orderId = orderId;
    this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;

  public Boolean call() throws Exception {
    boolean accepted = false;
    try {
      Integer acceptanceId = 
        jdbcTemplate().queryForObject("select o.acceptance_id from order o where = ?", Integer.class, orderId);
      if (acceptanceId != null && acceptanceId > 0) {
        accepted = true;
    catch (IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException e) {
      // SQL null means no acceptance id
      accepted = false;
    return accepted;

By using awaitility, asynchronous testing code becomes a lot more readable than a DIY approach.

Memory exhaustion, long garbage collection time and the Hibernate query plan cache

Recently, we released a new Spring Boot webservice. It uses Hibernate for database queries and persistence. (Spring Boot 2.1.10 and Hibernate 5.3.13). Within a week of release, Dynatrace alerted us to memory exhaustion and long garbage collection time on all the deployments. The app was started with the -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError command line option so heap dumps were generated automatically. While the heap dumps were analysed for root cause of the memory problem, the apps were restarted with double the memory limits to keep things running.

I loaded the heap dump with Eclipse memory analyzer and its Leak Suspects Report. The tool identified one problem suspect, which used 321.5MB out of 360MB of heap memory.

One instance of “org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl” loaded by “org.springframework.boot.loader.LaunchedURLClassLoader @ 0xe0035958” occupies 337,113,320 (89.29%) bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of “org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.BoundedConcurrentHashMap$Segment[]” loaded by “org.springframework.boot.loader.LaunchedURLClassLoader @ 0xe0035958”.

When I looked at the ‘Accumulated Objects in the Dominator Tree’, I noticed there were a large number of Bounded Concurrent Hash Map entries. Clicked on an individual hash map entry and use the list objects with incoming reference option, I could see that the segments of the hash map are query plan cache objects.

To look at what is stored inside the query plan cache, I used the OQL function in the memory analyzer with the follow query.

SELECT l.query.toString() 
org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.QueryPlanCache$HQLQueryPlanKey l

By inpsecting the strings returned by the query, I spotted the problem. The hibernate query cache plan cached a lot of identical queries with the numeric primary key parameter in the where clause. Like this

generatedAlias0.numberDetails as generatedAlias59 left join fetch
generatedAlias59.ddiRange6 as generatedAlias60 where

Reading the hibernate documentation, I learned that by default Criteria queries use bind parameters for literals that are not numeric only. My application used only the numeric primary key for access. Hibernate was therefore caching a new plan for every individual row in the database. As a result, the application was performing worse than not having a query cache plan at all!

To fix this, set the parameter hibernate.criteria.literal_handling_mode to BIND. This instructs hibernate to use bind variables for any literal value. In Spring Boot, the variable is

To confirm that the query cache plan problem was fixed, I used jconsole to take a heap dump

Running the OQL query again and I can see the query plans have changed to using bind parameters in the where clause.

generatedAlias0.numberDetails as generatedAlias59 left join fetch
generatedAlias59.ddiRange6 as generatedAlias60 where

Logging outbound HTTP requests from JAX-RS client

In order to track down a bug, I needed to log HTTP requests sent from one of our web services to another third party web service. (We hosted the service, but the software was not developed in house).

Our web service was written in resteasy, a framework I was not especially familiar with. (I prefer to use the Spring stack, and always create new web services using Spring Boot). The code to call the third party web service looked like this


Surprisingly, there wasn’t an obvious way to get the request body sent. From various stackoverflow Q&A, the way to log JAX-RS outbound client requests was to create an implementation of ClientRequestFilter, and register it as a Provider in the container.

public class MyClientRequestLoggingFilter implements ClientRequestFilter {
  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyClientRequestLoggingFilter.class);	
    public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {;

You then configure your web.xml to scan for providers


There are quite a few warnings that because the function ClientRequestContext.getEntity() returns an Object, the default toString() may not work as expected. Unmarshalling of the object is required to log the request body.

After banging my head against a wall for an afternoon, I decided to take a completely different approach to the problem. I googled on how to enable request logging in apache httpd instead. This turned out to be a much more straightforward way to achieve what I needed. The module mod_dumpio can used to dump all input and output requests to the server into a log file. You need mod_dumpio present in the apache httpd installation. (In windows, check to see if is in c:\apache-install-dir\modules). Stop the service, edit the httpd.conf file to include the following lines

LoadModule dumpio_module modules/

ErrorLog "logs/error.log"
LogLevel debug
DumpIOInput On
DumpIOOutput On
LogLevel dumpio:trace7

The ErrorLog and LogLevel lines are already present in my httpd.conf. I changed the LogLevel to debug, and added the follwoing three lines to turn on the dumpio module. After server restart, all HTTP requests and responses were successfully logged to the file logs/error.log.

Lesson learnt here – if an approach turned out to be more complicated than expected, it’s worth taking a step back and rethink.

The mysterious “the statement did not return a result set” SQL Server Exception

Last week I worked on a SQL server stored procedure that looked something like this

create procedure sp_Awesome_Proc
  @numbers XML,
  @customerId int
declare @output table(......)
insert into @output(....) select .... from ...
... some more updates and joins ...
select * from @output

This stored procedure was called from Java using Spring’s JdbcTemplate

query("exec sp_Awesome_Proc @numbers=?, @customerId=?", new Object[] {a, b}, new RowMapper {....}); 

When I called the stored procedure via the above Java code, I kept getting the exception SQLServerException: The statement did not return a result set. However, if I used the same parameters and called the stored procedure within SQL Server Studio, it returned a table.

It turned out that if the stored procedure performed any inserts or updates prior to the final select, this baffling statement did not return a result set exception will be thrown. In my case, a series of queries were executed to populate a table variable which is returned at the end of the stored procedure.

A simple solution to this problem is to add SET NOCOUNT ON at the start of the stored procedure.

create procedure  (
  @numbers XML,
  @customerId int

In fact, all the stored procedure within our code base had this statement. I have been copy and pasting this into all the previous stored procedures I created, without knowing its significance. Only now I learned the why behind it.