The Principle of Least Privilege

This blog post was originally written for a company internal blog. I have removed references and screenshots from internal applications. I have also refactored parts of the blog to be more generic.

We still deploy many of our applications on Windows VM. Part of this blog is Windows server specific.

What is it?

The principle of least privilege states that only the minimum necessary rights should be assigned to a subject that requests access to a resource and should be in effect for the shortest duration necessary. It prevents users from obtaining or changing information in unwanted ways. This is important because it helps organisations reduce risk by reducing the potential damage that excessive privilege can cause accidentally or maliciously.

As developers, we need to be aware that this principle not only applies to us not running everything as root or local admins on our development machines. It also applies to service users our applications run as, database users our applications access data with and API users our application access third party APIs with. It even applies to our application design, where we should have appropriate roles for users identified in use cases.

Continue reading “The Principle of Least Privilege”

Log4j rolling file appenders in Windows

I’ve been using the DailyRollingFileAppender in log4j for years without any problems. It came as a surprise when my trusted appender failed to rollover in a new web service. A bit of googling made me realised it is a widespread problem. The only reason I haven’t encountered this problem before was because I have exclusively developed for Linux. And now my new work is a Windows shop.

Essentially, the log4j DailyRollingFileAppender renames the day’s log file at the end of the day. This runs into file contention problems in Windows, and the renaming regularly fails. A very simple solution to this is to create your log file with the date prefix already in place, and thus avoid renaming it entirely. This is the solution taken by Geoff Mottram on the DatedFileAppender he released to the public domain back in 2005. (This is the appender I found configured for some of the web services deployed on the company’s mule server).

The log4j crew also recognised this problem, and according to its bug tracker, the problem has been fixed for 1.3. But since the 1.3 series have been abandoned, the patch is now available as part of Log4j Extras.

Using the new log4j rolling file appender

To include log4j extras using maven


A sample log4j.xml

	<appender name="FILE" class="org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
		<rollingPolicy class="org.apache.log4j.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
	      		<param name="FileNamePattern" value="D:/logs/app-%d.log.gz"/>
		<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
			<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p [%c{1}] %m%n" />

How often the log file rolls is specified by the date format in the FileNamePattern. It uses the same formatter as Java’s SimpleDateFormat. By default, (%d in app-%d.log), a new log file is created daily. To create a new log file every minute, use something like app-%d{yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm}.log. The gz suffix in app-%d.log.gz means old log files will be gzipped automatically.